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San Francisco Without GDC

While I was in San Francisco for GDC I saw a lot of games, game developers and related events. But I also made an effort to step outside that space and see a little of the city. It's because if you aren't careful you end up stuck in this weird bubble of unreality for a week, just looking at screens and spending a lot of time away from natural light - more so given virtual reality headsets were a big part of the event this year. I didn't get as far as the Winchester Mystery House which is out in San Jose but I did see an indoor rainforest and an octopus so I figure Project Other Things was still a success.

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Philippa Warr: Pip wrote for Rock Paper Shotgun between 2014-2017, covering everything from MOBAs, hero brawlers and indie curios. She also had a keen interest in the artistry of video game creation, and was very partial to keeping us informed of the latest developments in British TV show Casualty.
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