See how Minecraft Earth's mobs could work on the PC
Up a notch
One of my grander statements about gaming is that, in time, all games and all worlds will be rendered within Minecraft. And I was right because a new mod brings the pigs and chickens of unreleased mobile AR game Minecraft Earth to the PC version of the game, technically rendering Minecraft within Minecraft. I can’t get more righter than that.
This is the work of Youtuber Logdotzip, who took a look at what we know about the upcoming Minecraft-in-the-real-world mobile game and remade the special mobs from it, with tweaks to fit them into the classic game.
The Muddy Pig, for example, is a regular pig that you can entice into a mud-bath by adding dirt to water. When the slick pig comes out, caked in mud, it will be a walking mud dispenser. Killing it will drop the currently useless item, or setting it on fire will get you bricks.
Then there’s the Cluckshroom, a chicken that’s eaten a mushroom and become fungified. It drops feathers that can be thrown at mobs for a random effect. It also drops mushrooms that will apply random effects to the player.
There’s also the Moobloom, a flowery cow that you can milk for sleepy dandelion soup, and a faceless Mob of Me who drops on the player’s death, and hovers over their corpse.
All this has been bundled up in a world you can download on the Minecraft Marketplace, which means you'll get more than just the mobs if you want to take try it all out.