Ships In The Night: L4D2 The Passing Vids
Whoops, we missed this last week - frenziedly frenetic footage of the upcoming L4D2-meets-L4D1 DLC The Passing. Alas, team L4D don't show up in these videos, Valve's Chet Faliszek claiming they still want to keep a lid on exactly how that's going to work, but at least it's a chance to eyeball some of the new uncommon Common Infected (including one that tries to run away but drops health packs when you kill it - sounds like Golden Axe's imp thingies) and the shape and mood of one of the levels. The finale of the second video looks appropriately claustrophobic and OH GOD GET IT OFF ME, so no doubt L4D2 believers will not be left unhappy on the obscene violence front. What of the non-believers, still licking their wounds about the sequel-too-soon outrage? Well, right at the end of the second video, Chet lets slip that we're due a comic that explains the current fate of the first game's survivors, and, and! new DLC for L4D1. Too little too late, some will cry, but hey- it's still something, sometime.