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Sleepwalking Saviour: Back To Bed

Dreams are weird. When you're in them, everything makes perfect sense: eyeball monsters, people with praying mantis bodies, random celebrities just hanging out in your living room - who are, in turn, also eyeball-coated praying mantis demons. It's all just so matter-of-fact. And then you wake up, chuckle dryly at the ridiculousness of it all, and drive to your therapy session. That's more or less the feeling Back To Bed attempts to capture, and it does so shockingly well in the grand scheme of trippy dream sequence games.

You play as the "subconscious protector" of a man named Bob who can't stop sleepwalking to his untimely demise. And yeah, there are melting clocks everywhere and tophat birds that I wish were real so I could have one as a pet, but the real stars here are the little things. The vaguely unsettling, word-slurring narrator, for instance, won't be mistaken for Rucks from Bastion any time soon. Puzzles, meanwhile, give your spatial reasoning brain biceps quite a workout - though the perspective caused me to put objects in the wrong places a few times. Beyond minor frustrations, however, it's a fun, semi-demented little puzzler with a bizarre sense of style. Give it a try hereabouts.

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