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Sound Of The Underground: Spelunky

Relatively late to this, but picked it up from Qt3 over the weekend and do like it a lot. It's the new game by Derek Yu who you'll best know for his involvement in the IGF winning Zelda-but-a-fish (With lots of other stuff) Aquaria. It's called Spelunky. It's basically Rick Dangerous meets Nethack: An underground platformer where each level is randomly generated whenever you play. By widening the skill-set slightly and allowing a lot more expression than you'd expect in what looks like Rick Dangerous, it really minimises the horrific-death-happy repetition which blighted Rick. About the only cost is slightly akward controls. This is clever and neat. See it in action beneath the cut...

Here's some games in progress...

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And here's some splendid death. Expect to be screaming in a similar way.

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