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You can sign up to playtest French robot revolution game SteelRising

Spiders are testing the waters for their next action RPG in March

Robot-fueled French revolution game SteelRising was first announced last summer and it seems those folks at Spiders may be spinning this one up somewhat soon. They're planning a playtest for their next action-RPG and inviting you along to try it out if you like.

From what we know so far, SteelRising is set in an alternate universe French revolution in which King Louis XVI commands an army of automatons that are on a murder craze against the citizens of Paris. Aegis, the automaton badyguard for Marie Antoinette, is put to work stomping the king and his army. Spiders have also mentioned that they're planning for some climbing type exploration in this one, which sounds like it could play well with the setting.

If that piques your interest, you can apply to take part in the upcoming playtest for SteelRising via this form. They say that the playtest will take place in early March, lasting somewhere between seven and ten days, with the exact dates to be announced soon.

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Spiders have a history of pretty middling RPGs, though their latest GreedFall was definitely an improvement over The Technomancer. Even GreedFall itself, in my opinion, caught its stride well in the second half after a pretty wobbly early game. You can spot some more specifics on how it panned out in RPS's GreedFall review. I'm interested enough in their steady upward trajectory to likely give SteelRising a try.

SteelRising doesn't have a planned release date just yet, but you can find it over on Steam in the meantime. That's also where the playtest will take place.

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