Kickstar: Star Citizen Gets Supplementary Kickstarter
So it turns out that Chris Robert's space-faring adventure gave their native pledge-o-matic a bit of trouble, with it falling over and stuff, and so they've decided (despite having raised a huge chunk of cash through their pre-order thing already) to supplement proceedings with a Kickstarter. They're trying to raise $500,000 through the big daddy of crowd-funding, and they already have $100k. Star Citizen, as we explained in great detail here, is a concept for reviving the space game from the man who made Wing Commander. And it's looking fantastic.
Obligatory Kickstarter video below (you've already seen most of it.)
So will you pledge? Have you pledged already?
Gosh, we're ticking off a huge, figurative list of things-that-might-be-Kickstarted, aren't we? There's not quite enough space game ones yet, though because *COUGH* Homeworld *COUGH*. What was that? I thought I heard someone say that a Homeworld Kickstarter was about the most obvious move in the world for Relic. Hey look, here's their Twitter account. Don't tell them I sent you.