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Star Trek Online Open Beta Key NOW CLOSED

Update: And STOP! All 1000 have just gone. You'll know if you were successful very soon.

We like to think we take care of you. For instance, if you were ever in trouble, we'd maybe look up from what we were doing. We also like to give you magical presents. So today we've got 1000 keys for the Star Trek Online open beta to give away. (All gone.)

We're going to give them to the first 1000 people to email us at (making sure to use the subject line "I would like to be a Star Trek Online Beta-zoid" or you definitely won't get a key), nothing more complicated than that. So be quick, or be sad. Then so soon as the fine folk at Cryptic send them out, you'll find out if you have free access to the open beta for the game until the 26th January. RPS subscribers have already had their chance to reserve a key, by the way. If you'd like to be a part of that exclusive crowd, you can click here.

Star Trek Online is out on the 29th of Jan, and you can find out more about it here.

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