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Star Wars Battlefront 2 visiting Jabba's Palace in Han Solo Season

I'm putting on my shades to cover up my eyes

The next starwad of Star Wars Battlefront 2 content will cross over with the adventures of dashing spacerogue Hanthony Solo, cross-promoting his upcoming prequel movie. It'll let players visit Jabba's Palace, the co-working hub where Hanthony did some freelancing in his early days. His mates Leia and Lando will also get costumes based on the time they picked him up from Jabba's office party that got out of hand when everyone started feeding things into the shredder.

Not everything is about Hanthony, as The Han Solo Season will also bring the new 2v2 Hero Showdown mode, UI improvements, and more.

The Han Solo Season is really just a fancy name for the pair of updates making up Battlefront 2's second season of content. It'll start on May 16th then continue with a second blast some time in June.

Jabba's Palace will be playable in Heroes vs Villains, Blast, and Arcade mode. It's, y'know, Jabba's Palace. Related to that, Leia will get her Boushh disguise from Return Of The Jedi, complete with a speech scrambler, while Lando will get his palace guard disguise. As is the way in Battlefront 2 now, they'll be unlockable with the credits earned by playing or the microtransaction currency Crystals.

Beyond Hanthony, ooh there's a lot. Starfighter mode is getting a Custom Arcade option so players can lark about as they please. Players will get the option to spend Skill Points between rounds. Menus are being updated and reorganised. And the 2v2 Hero Showdown mode will borrow a trick from Overwatch's Lockout Elimination variant, with best-of-five matches where players cannot reuse characters they've already played in a winning round.

See the announcement for more information.

This all sounds good and well but Dice's Hanthony blast will be judged against the best thing ever to happen in any Star Wars game, that Solo Derulo bit out Kinect Star Wars:

Watch on YouTube

Genuinely my favourite.

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