Star Wars: Battlefront 2's Solo season raids Kessel soon
When do we get to play as Lone Starr?
I like Star Wars: Battlefront 2. I enjoy its big dumb bombastic fights and completely unsubtle everything. For me, it's an ideal shooter for 15-30 minutes of Star Wars flavoured cooldown in-between more demanding games, especially now it's escaped from loot-crate hell. As such, more of it is always good, and now that the new one-shot prequel movie is out, there's some tie-in stuff coming to the game. This June 12th, players get to take a run on Kessel, and dress up as Alden Ehrenreich, a canonically separate character from Han Solo.
Much like Young Indiana Jones, I consider Young Han Solo to be part of some parallel canon where everyone racks up at least three full seasons worth of adventures before they turn 25, and players will get their first chance to shoot pew-pew lasers at each other in this otherverse next week. While I'm a bit disappointed we didn't get the fancy transport rollercoaster-train to fight aboard, Kessel seems an interesting (if rather unpleasantly yellow-tinged) location to fight.
The new map and Soloverse character models join the already-released half of the Solo Season content, which included some actual solo content in the form of a single-player starfighter combat mode, a new tag-team Hero vs Hero PvP mode, and a map set in Jabba's palace. As with the upcoming Battlefront V, the free maps are balanced out with a bunch of new alternate outfits you can buy for your characters with real money (or through extensive grind), but honestly, who's even going to notice them in a game this messy?
Despite rumours that the game is dead and buried, EA apparently have further plans for Battlefront 2, and will be announcing them on June 9th at the EA Play press conference. The second half of the Solo update will land next week on June 12th, and you can read a little bit more about this update on the official site here.