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Steam In Psychic Powers Shocker

Steam knows your innermost thoughts. It knows the nasty little images that flit across your mind when you see a bit of ankle. It knows about that unnecessarily rude thing you said in Comments and then tried to edit out. It knows what John Carmack really did to that cat. It even knows what games you want to play. OR DOES IT?

The latest update, if you hadn't noticed already, adds "Recommended For You" tech-o-cleverness. As the name suggests, it recommends stuff it thinks you might like, based on what you've bought and played - and on what your friends own and have jibber-jabbered about. While it's more fuel to the fire of the 'Steam eats babies' crowd , hopefully it's also a shot in the arm for indie games. A little bit more promotion outside of the news updates and best-seller charts could do a lot of games a lot of good.

So I'm interested in hearing what the service has recommended to you creatures and creaturettes thus far. Surprises, relevant games, totally useless stuff, what? For my part, I've had Killing Floor DLC suggested, and a bunch of big hits such as Arkham Asylum and Team Fortress 2, based on my friends lists' experimentation with pressing the 'Favourite' button.

Is indie and/or lesser-known stuff coming up for anyone, or is it Steam mainstays? Genuinely curious as to what the dice are throwing up. I would imagine this will be an evolving service, perhaps ultimately taking Steam closer to an App Store model.

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