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Sticking Its Nose Out: Prominence

It's time for another round of my favourite gameshow: Guess The Genre! Watch the trailer below from indie audio and video production team, Digital Media Workshop, and try to guess exactly what type of game Prominence is going to be.

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So my first guess was space strategy. Then I figured maybe a more simplistic space shopping game. But maybe a first person shooter? Or, could it be - ooh, third person adventure. Here's the story:

You awaken...

A glow too dim to be anything but emergency lighting illuminates the room. Computer screens and electronic equipment here remain dark, unpowered and unresponsive. A gurney, some sort of sophisticated surgical device, an overturned medicine cart, a bioscanner...nothing looks familiar. Or does it?

What is this place? How did you get here? What has happened?

We'll keep an eye on it.

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