Summer Games Done Quick 2018 rakes in $2.1 million for charity
Every six months, the Games Done Quick Nerd Olympics allows us to witness the best and brightest and funniest and most highly-specific gamer heroes absolutely devastate titles ranging from the modern AAA to the retro to the entirely forgotten. These speedruns decimate the rules of the game while a live audience cheers our heroes on to victory. The fact this event benefits excellent foundations is always the best part, with sudden prompts that allow you to vote on game changing events by using your dollars. This year, the Bloomington, Minnesota event for Summer Games Done Quick raised a record $2.1 million for charity.
Doctors Without Borders are surely thankful that so many people want to see Celeste get broken in front of a live audience.
Among the highlights of the event for me (at least what's been posted on the official YouTube channel so far) I recommend checking out the following:
And of course they blasted through my baby: Prey (2017)
Shame we have to wait six months until the next round. We should do this every weekend until we run out of games.
You can still donate to the SGDQ cause by clicking here. Doctors Without Borders still needs our help, even after we're doing watching speedruns of The Noid 2.