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Super Clunky Ball: Rock Of Ages Videos

It really is about time we caught up on Rock Of Ages trailers, don't you think. The next game from the mad geniuses behind Zeno Clash, ACE Team, is a combination of tower defence and Marble Madness, because that's the way those people think. And there's lots of bits of the Pythonesque madness to look at below, including a ten minute walkthrough of how it all works.

First off is a split screen of the War Mode, in which you can watch two balls attempting to outscore.

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Next up is a ten minute explanation of the "Tower Offense", as given to GameTrailers by a member of Atlas's PR, rather than any of the folk at ACE, sadly.

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And finally a race, which is described as "Ski Boulder" mode.

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And don't forget to check out all our coverage of Rock Of Ages, including Jim's interview with the team.

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