T-Rexellent: Fall Of Cybertron Excavates Dinobot DLC
Hmm, this looks like old news, since the DLC has been out for a bit, but since we are the PC's premier site for Transformers news, I feel duty-bound to post it: below is a trailer for Fall Of Cybertron's Dinobot DLC. As you might expect, it allows you to play the lizardly Transformers in multiplayer. It also contains retro Optimus Prime, insecticons (I think? - I originally mistyped that as "invectobots", which would a different type of transformer entirely) and some other robo-stuff.
For a transformative opinion on the game's multiplayer, you can read Alec's verdict here. He also held forth on the single player.
Dinobiff! They just need Death's Head DLC and Alec will truly be in heaven.