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Take A Gamble On Multiplayer Space Shooter Gimbal

Here's an intriguing multiplayer-only space-shmup, which is pay-what-you-want for today only, as well as having a free demo which offers pretty generous access to the online game. Gimbal is on the fiddly side, but at the same time its maxi-zoom war of tiny spaceships is also one of precision, planning, caution and even a smattering of physics mastery, so I suspect it could win itself a faithful audience. Also, I really love the random player names it gives out - I was 'Airborne Gentleman', up against foes such as The Accomplished Chimpanzee and Greased Clown.

The full game also offers some fairly grand-scale ship-building and customisation, so we're sort of looking at a high-speed baby EVE with none of the politicking. That's a totally inaccurate comparison isn't it? Sorry. It's my cat's fault.

Here's the trailer, which has the requisite bleepy music and dramatic explosions:

Watch on YouTube

Grab the demo here, and you've around 50 hours to grab it for $whatever from Indiegamestand here. No doubt dev 8888888 Labs would much prefer you bought direct for the full-whack price of $14.99 here.

Mild annoyance warning: it needs to install .Net, DirectX and XNA before it'll run, and DirectX tries to trick you into installing the Bing searchbar as part of the process. I really wish games could be installed with a single click, it's so tiresome

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