Take It To The Bridge: Star Trek Online
Having seen a bit of the ship-to-ship and man-to-alien combat in previous Star Trek Online footage, we're still waiting to get an angle on what will be central to the game: doing diplomacy, managing your crew, commanding a Starship, and all that Federation jazz. No change in this trailer, but it's starting to look a lot more polished than previous in-game footage. Moreover, I think it's pretty easy to be cynical towards this, but the truth is this game is likely to light a commercial touchpaper and become very popular indeed. It's not just a popular licence, but I think it might just be different enough as an MMO to drag people away from established games. There's a definite thirst for interesting MMOs right now, and this is certainly going to qualify. The site is crammed with new screens, and they're now taking beta applications.