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Technical Demonstration: Far Cry 2

Far Cry 2 is making my 3D card creak with fear. That, in turn, is making my wallet weep tiny tears of fear and shame. Yes, it's going to be beautiful, but when my machine choked on the enormity of Crysis, how is it going to get on with all the visual cleverness that is contained in the recent techdemo of Far Cry 2?

Oh, who cares? Far Cry 2 looks technologically extraordimentary, and if it's half as good as the recent flood of info seems to suggests it's going to be well worth augmenting my PC with expensive sandwiches of silicon for. After the jump: vegetation in the wind.

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Look at that fire propagation!

Alec worries the open world thing might be too enblandened by mainstream development, and therefore lack the charm of, say, Stalker. I think it's going to be the best game this year. What do you think, reader on the street?

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