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Huge Terraria Update 1.3 Arrives Tomorrow

So many new things

Every time another Steam sale rolls around I always grab a few extra copies of Terraria [official site]. I like to hand them out to anyone on my friends list who doesn't own it yet. "It's 2D Minecraft, but with actual character progression and loot and crazy monsters and and and" I tell them. If you haven't played it yet, now is a great time to do so, since the long-awaited Patch 1.3 game will arrive tomorrow, June 30th.

The update adds a ludicrous amount of new stuff, as well as some much needed functionality tweaks. Like Steam multiplayer invitations to make playing with others much less of a headache.

As you can see from the patch notes, this is a huge update. New crafting options, new NPCs, new biomes, new areas to explore, secrets to discover, monsters to kill… Think of it more as an expansion pack than a patch. A free expansion pack. The official trailer does a good job of showing off a few of the new features, but it also sounds like developer Re-Logic is keeping a few surprises back from back the trailer and the patch notes. Half of the fun of Terraria is discovering the world for yourself.

This will probably be the last update for the game, which considering Terraria was released over four years ago feels like a pretty good innings. Even if the wait for this latest patch has been a little long. It's been teased for almost a year now and Mac and Linux users will need to wait a little longer. The aim is to release 1.3 on those platforms "within the month of July", which feels a little nebulous, but it's better than "when it's ready".

After 1.3 launches tomorrow Re-Logic, will focus on the not-a-sequel-but-yeah-a-sequel, Terraria Otherworld, an alternate universe version of Terraria with new strategy elements. For now, though, here's a look at Terraria 1.3:

Watch on YouTube

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