Tex Murphy: Tesla Effect Gets A Whopping Great Trailer
There's at last an actual official trailer for the new Tex Murphy game, Tesla Effect. It's lots and lots and lots of FMV hammy acting, which is EXACTLY RIGHT. Hammier than a four hundred mile high pig that's exploded over a city. Perfect.
I can only imagine how utterly mad and anachronistic this must look to someone who wasn't old enough/alive in the mid 90s. And yet to my addled brain the cheese is a nostalgic joy, one I can't wait to get my hands on.
That last line is a corker!
Having raised just shy of $600,000 (of a $450,000 goal) during the Great Kickstarter Goldrush of 2012, they'd rather optimistically set themselves a December 2012 deadline. While there's still no release date attached, it's looking more likely to be December 2013.