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Tex Murphy: Tesla Effect Has That Name, And A Trailer

The words "the wait is over" really oughtn't appear in the same trailer as "coming soon". That's made doubly worse when it's a trailer for a Kickstarted game that was originally due to be released last December. Still, it's good to see a trailer for the new Tex Murphy: Tesla Effect (no longer "Project Fedora", you'll note), and one that confirms that the hammy FMV is precisely as it should be.

It's all a bit oddly apocalyptic, but then of course the Tex Murphy games always had a lot more going on in them than just noir detectorising. It looks like this latest in the series is going to push that mutants-and-eschatology angle further than ever, which strikes me as a good thing.

Tex fans - what do you think? Relieved? Concerned?

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