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That Was Quick: Steam Boss No Longer At Microsoft

Now just holt on a minute

Whoops, looks like Microsoft's Ken Lobb neglected to tell me something. Shortly after publishing our interview from D.I.C.E.'s red carpet wherein I specifically mentioned the hiring of former Steam director of business development Jason Holtman as a sign that Microsoft was embracing PC gaming, I received an anonymous tip that he was no longer with the company. One quick LinkedIn check later and, yep, he's out. That, um, doesn't bode well.

When Holtman went from Steam and came aboard the titanic SS MSOFT a mere six months ago, he adamantly stated that he would be, "focusing on making Windows a great platform for gaming and interactive entertainment."

With execs like Lobb now stating that Microsoft is re-dedicated to PC gaming again, it seems a big shame that Holtman would be shown the door or head for the hills of his own volition. Especially given that Holtman barely even had time to get comfortable in Microsoft's mega-lair.

I've attempted to get in touch with Microsoft and Holtman for comment, but no dice so far. If anyone in Live Studio Audience happens to know anything, feel free to get in touch.

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