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Exuberant Adventuring In The Last Shore Trailer

A bit Zelda-ish, maybe

I like the exuberance of the run animation in The Last Shore [official site]. If my home were threatened by gods and I needed a hero to adventure around, running and sailing and murdering, I'd want them to have this sort of infectious energy. Here, come watch this new trailer and you'll see what I mean. It all looks a bit Legend of Zelda-y to me. The game's not due out until later this year but look, on a grey Monday morning I need the inspiration of someone who's facing destruction but still puts on a nice dress and seems to have a gay old time.

The Last Shore's an explore-o-action-adventure about a girl whose home the gods are, for whatever reason, about to destroy. Who even knows with that lot? So off she goes adventuring, collecting artifacts, killing monsters, and uncovering secrets.

It sounds like developers Pulpo Games are still pinning down quite how free-roaming it'll be. "It's definitely story/plot driven, but you have a lot of freedom when sailing around the world and picking where you will explore next. There has been a lot of experimentation with how firm the direction to the player is, and that will probably continue..." comments one on its Steam Greenlight page.

All things being well, Pulpo plan to release it "later this year". Trailer:

Watch on YouTube

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