The Old Republic: Alderaan Mission Trailer
The hype-train for Bioware's upcoming MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic is trundling along nicely now. All aboard! Next stop: a two minute trailer walking you through what looks like one of the game's instanced missions. Population: The Internet. If you wanted to get off at Tatooine, you've missed your stop, but I can let you off here.
God, what the crap was I talking about up there? Trains? This heat has melted the insides of my skull into something with the consistency of tapioca.
If you're reading this from outside the UK, know that we're currently experiencing a heat wave of a whopping 30°C, which is way over RPS's maximum operating temperature of 28°C. So if you start spotting typos and broken links, that's definitely why. Not because we were incompetent in the first place. No.