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The Pipwick Papers

I write this as I wait (impatiently) for a breakfast delivery. Yes. I have discovered somewhere that will deliver a cooked breakfast on a Sunday morning and, yes, this is the most exciting event of 2015. In case you have a similar service in your area, here is some reading material for you to consume in between running to the window and peering out from behind the curtains. If you are breakfastless, just enjoy the articles, I guess. If you can.

  • Adam Sternbergh's piece for Vulture on purge-watching TV shows (consuming them just to get them off your to-watch list) sums up exactly how I'm feeling about Pretty Little Liars right now
  • Brendan O'Connor attends the 2015 Rube Goldberg Machine Contest for The Verge
  • The machine moves through 73 steps in less than a minute, suggesting a desperate search by Rube as he upends his house looking for the comic. At one point, a ball drops, and a mechanized dog springs out of his house to grab it. The machine finishes — the cartoon was in a cupboard — and Dexys Midnight Runners’ "Come On, Eileen" plays. (The name of the machine, I learn, is "Eileen.")

  • Channel 4 has launched a news wall on Tumblr aimed at delivering news to 16-24-year-olds. It's heavy on gifs which I get, but the gifs they've created at the moment are basically headlines which flash up word by word and en masse they start to look both samey and incoherent. Is that what you get from looking at the page or am I just Too Old For These Shenanigans?
  • Co.Design has this on Disney's cool idea for cheap 3D printables which lets you control your smartphone via ultrasonic waves
  • Leighton Woodhouse looks at the story of a teacher pushing back against Los Angeles Unified School District's weapon search policy
  • Rogue Wounds by Daniel Mason for Lapham's Quarterly is a fascinating piece dipping into the history of faking illnesses

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