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The Preposterous Awesomeness Of Everything Is The Strangest Thing I've Seen In A Good Long While


When a game's website leads with the words, "Oh god I hope I finish it before I die and/or go mad," that's a hint. The Preposterous Awesomeness Of Everything [official site] is a point-and-click adventure that returns to the early-90s LucasArts' verb interface, but comparisons to anything else end there. Describing itself as a game about "progress, politics and propulsive nozzles" what it doesn't immediately mention is the abundant nudity.

The art style is a sort of cross between cartoon and horribly skewed photography, seemingly beginning in some sort of less-than-ideal Eden, but quickly becoming about ranting politicians, something about space, and seems to be set on an island. You'll need to watch this:

Watch on YouTube

Alongside traditional verbs like "look at" and "talk to" are somewhat different options. "Disrespect", "Turn Inside-out", and "Pray For". It, well, it looks weird enough to have me post about it.

A couple of concerns at this stage. The interface in the early areas of the game (I love that it changes) looks a touch scratchy, and could probably do with some tidying. And, well, if you pause the video there's a couple of bits of text in there that aren't so lovely. It could do with another draft. But this is early days, and it's looking for love on Greenlight. He's aiming for a Summer release.

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