The Ship Sequel Sets Sail On Kickstarter
Fun fact: RPS is actually operated in its fundane day-to-day fashion entirely from the crowded deck of an upscale 1920s cruise liner. While jovially spinning our thoughts into the most eloquent of wordshapes, Jim, John, Alec, Adam, and I are constantly engaged in a methodical hunt for one other. We like to think that the ever-present threat of death keeps our writing sharp. But finally, I think I'm closing in on my target. Adam, quite simply, has demonstrated that he knows too much. Look at what he said about the just-announced The Ship sequel - titled Full Steam Ahead - nearly a year ago: "Kick-start The Ship... 'Full Steam Ahead.'" And sure, I may have rearranged some words to break his maniacally brilliant code, but the point's still clear as day: Adam must be eliminated. But first, let's talk about videogames!
In the wake of original developer Outerlight's closure, Blazing Griffin has taken to captaining The Ship. The end result? A tongue-in-cheek steampunk sequel that seems to be heading in the right direction. Here's a quick rundown, per Full Steam Ahead's Kickstarter page:
"In the spirit of the original, 1920’s game, The Ship: Full Steam Ahead will let you dress up in your Steampunk finery, travel on Victoria’s finest shippage, and ‘drub’ the enemies of the Empire, while those self-same scoundrels, attempt to murder you. You’ll get to play in an evocative, Victorian environment, where eating, sleeping, and promenading (as well as unmentionable ablutions) are just as important as murdering your shipmates. After all, one must have some sense of decorum, don’t you think?"
"Going beyond this ‘hundredweight’ of original gameplay, we’ll be embracing the rather risqué craze of ‘open development’, waving our merry kerchiefs with much hulabaloo, and setting sail for gameplay unknown. We have plenty of ideas for new features, but most importantly, we want to create something new and rather daring with input from YOU - our most noble players."
Unfortunately, Blazing Griffin's not really discussing those new features yet - nor is it presenting anything in the way of screenshots or gameplay footage. Seeing as the developer's a relative unknown, that doesn't do a whole lot to inspire confidence. Granted, Full Steam Ahead's not slated to release until April 2014, so I don't imagine it's exactly ship-shape just yet.
The Kickstarter's final goal is £128,000 in 59 days. And yes, that currency type is correct; Kickstarter's now taking UK submissions, so convert your vast quantities of inherited gold accordingly.
And now, I'll leave you with this very silly pitch video - in part to amuse you, but mostly in hope that Adam will watch it on loop in a quiet, confined space while I hunt.