The Sunday Papers
It's Sunday! This means two things. One, because it's Easter Sunday, it's time for RPS's typically chummy low-level blasphemy. Two, time for the Sunday Papers. Here we gather some talking points and essays of the week for you to discuss and have a lovely head-think about, whilst consuming the Chocolate Beans who died for our sins. We hammer these in a list, whilst fighting the urge to link to indie-records or net-memes. Yes.
- Hot-key maestro Tom Chick starts his regular column on the RTS over at CrispyGamer. Tom's one of the few people who's opinion I actively follow on strategy games, so this will be worth following. The first one describes what people should be doing in the RTS. First on the list? Why, it's hotkeys. Oh, Tom, you do love them so. Also over at Crispy, there's an interview with Ray and Greg Bioware about world politics and their sexual peccadilloes. Oh, All right - actually, it's just about Bioware.
- PC d0med? Nay: Consoles D0med says Wild Tangent's Alex St. John. His arguments are actually really quite interesting. On a similar note, SOE boss rolling his eyes at PC-D0medness.
- Dan Whitehead over at Eurogamer does a history of the Sims. Also describes me as a strutting peacock. Bast!
- While many of the games never got a PC release, I still think it's worth going through the 20-game primer gamasutra have put up of the JRPG. You'll probably disagree with it if you know the form, but there's stuff here which is well worth knowing if you don't.
- RPS-ites community action: They're doing their own succession game of Dwarf Fortress over here, and writing up the results.
- Gamers With Jobs do a podcast with the Sins of the Solar Empire chaps. Two (Count 'em!) hours. I suspect less rape-gag obsessed than RPS-favourites One Life Left.
- Predator in rap. The Indelicates new single, America.