The Sunday Papers
Sunday is a day for trying to make my gaming PC start booting again. Or maybe it isn't. Maybe I can procastinate, making a list of some smart and compulsive games reading I found this week for the RPS-readership's delectation, and try my damn hardest not to include some pop song or another. Yes, I think I can.
- Crispy Gamer's Critic In Exile columnist Scott Jones asks "Is It OK to Finally Admit That I Didn't Really Like Fallout 3 All That Much?" Example quote: "I know of a least a half-dozen writers who included Fallout 3 in their top-10 lists who, I know for a fact, didn't invest more than three or four hours in the game (if that), and still felt compelled to vote for Fallout 3 -- let's go ahead and say it -- because it felt like the right thing to do." Honestly, I'm astounded and really don't know where to begin. Well, don't know where to begin politely.
- At least some Critics know what they love. This is old, and not a PC Game, but so hilariously hyperbolic that I presumed that it was being sarcastic. The Sixth Axis on Metal Gear Solid 4: "To review such a game as Metal Gear Solid 4 is like commissioning a blind man to share his opinion on a beautiful oil painting painted by a true artist" (Via Elliot's twiter)
- Hey - the games journalist union will be after CivIV/Spore designer Soren Johnson. You don't understand how it work. Us lot ask questions, and you guys answer them. If you start asking questions too, it all falls apart. Anyway - he does a huge two part interview with the Civ4 ultramod Fall From Heaven guys. Part one here. Part two here.
- 1UP/EGM takeover by EGO Point/Counterpoint. Editorial Director Sam Kennedy explains what's happened. Jeff Green takes Sam's diplomatic statement to task. Probably the biggest games-related story we haven't covered this week we didn't cover. Really, it's a case not having any specific insight or anything to say (bar - "good luck to everyone who lost their jobs and hope they land on their feet"), so we'll leave it to EGM's Jenn Franks to deliver a personal euology. Her "Companies make money on other people’s passion. Some people make a lot of money by overseeing entire sweatshops of passion. I am trying my fucking damnedest to not sound angry." is terribly familiar to me.
- Tom Chick interviews Brendon Cheung, the man behind the much loved Gravity Bone. I'd have linked to it even if it hadn't namechecked me, y'know?
- On a similar indie-stuff-we-covered-this-week note, here's the Gamasutra postmortem of I Fell In Love With The Majesty Of Colours.
- Adventure Classic Gaming interview Ex-Lucasart chap Hal Barwood on his return to the Adventure with the forthcoming Mata Hari.
- And New Games Journalism dead. He was like a son to me.
- Alec crashed over last night, and opined that the Sound of Silver album would be about eight times better without New York I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down. Haven't made my mind up myself.