The Vault: Interstellar Marines Preview
Zero Point Software have released a clever new preview asset of their game, using the Unity plugin. It's a kind of "3D screenshot" that they're calling The Vault. You can go in and have a look around, and see some of the titular marines in 3D, frozen in time fighting some manner of shark monsters. It's pretty neat, and the dates on the vault walls suggest that more of these 3D vignettes will be revealed in the coming months. The sci-fi co-op shooter has been in development for quite some time now, so we're hoping this indicates the start of a more concerted reveal of just what's going on with the title the studio are calling a "AAA Indie" project.
Folks who can't be bothered installing Unity (and given the amount of cool stuff it's throwing up now, you probably should be bothered) can get a taste of the vault via a new teaser trailer which I've posted below.