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There Is An Armalyte That Never Goes Out

This is totally retro. Armalyte! It's an official remake of the classic C64 shooter. Being a Spec-chum, I never played it back then, but always looked at its cover-art longingly. Finally playing after all this time, I discover a fairly brutal R-type/Nemesis-esque game, with a perpetual shooty drone following you around and a constantly recharging hyperblasty thing. It's an efficient remake with updated graphics - though oddly no "classic graphic mode" which I can see. My initial criticism about the demo would be that the enemy bullets actually look a little like power-ups, which caused an embarrassing death early on. It's also retro in another really odd way. While you can go and get the demo here, you can't buy it as a digital download. They actually ship the disc to you. Finally, at a price of £16.99, I suspect it's not exactly going to attract many people who aren't predisposed to indulge in a little 80s nostalgia. Video and links to other bits of coverage follows...

EDIT: After a rush of requests, they're planing to actually do a digital-download option for a cheaper price. Will keep you informed.

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If you want to know more, just One More Game is all over it. Here's their review of the full thing and here's an interview with the Devs.

And a question for the room - what actual C64 and Spectrum games would you like to see receive this kind of "deluxe remake" approach? And, equally, what would you pay for them?

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