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There's No Place Like Homeworld: Flotilla

You remember Blendo Games' Gravity Bone, yes? One of the finest short-form indie games ever, frankly. Anyway, Mr Blendo, Brendon Chung, is working on another indie game which very much looks like RPS' sort of thing. It's called Flotilla and is a skirmish-level orbital-fleet RTS. In other words, yes, there's a clear Homeworld influence. Woo! Between this and Frozen Synapse, the iconic-graphics micro-indie strategy game seems set to flourish in 2010. Hopefully! Hopefully Yays! Footage and explanation in the video that follows...

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Dave Tosser says: I'm a little worried. That Relic's Homeworld games have no obvious clones existent implies there is no interest in such games - because if there was a viable commercial niche to fill, you can be sure Triple-A product would be produced to satisfy that need. I also hope that the game is released for no more than three-dollars. Indie games do have the marketing costs associated with a real game, and the price should reflect that.

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