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They Aren't Trying

The Rock Paper Shotgun logo repeated multiple times on a purple background
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

RPS-roving reporter Quinns has been crying over this, so I have to share. It's the first footage for THEY (Whose name doesn't appear to actually have capital letters in any of the press we can find, but seems to demand it), being developed by Metropolis Software who you may know from the incredibly lovely, no really, honest, Aurora Rising.

Here's the trailer. To avoid spoiling it for you, the (er) critique is beneath the cut.

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Thanks, Game Trailers.


The trailer goes entirely out of its way to create a brooding atmosphere. B-movie, sure, but there's clearly lots of potential for a unique take on the FPS where detecting your enemies is of central importance and... oh, you know. Use your imagination. And then, just when you're thinking videogames has found its answer to Predator... it's Geigerseque alien robot things covered with missile launchers stomping around like its 1998.

Coming in 2009. Woop! Woop! And - indeed - Woop!

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