Thief: Getcha Gothy Garrett Here
We live in a world where a new Thief game is definitely happening, and any human being with an internet connection is free to look at screenshots of it. Imagine that. Sadly, in direct contravention of the 48th amendment and the Brazilian internet democracy act of 1873, Game Informer is currently keeping the lion's share of info on Eidos Montreal's reboot of the classic Looking Glass sneak 'em up to themselves. It's there you'll need to go to see videos of new screenshots, particularly of Thief star Garrett's new look. He's been watching The Crow, I think. Goth! Goth! Goth! Goth! Amusingly though, there's been a brief fan kerfuffle based on a worry that our beloved tea-leaf isn't gothy enough.
This stems from comments made by Eidos Montreal in the Game Informer video stating that "In the beginning he was kind of more gothic; we turned down all the things that feel more gothic. For example: black nails and things like that - we don't have that any more. We want to make him a little bit more mainstream on that." The response to this, particularly the use of the dread term 'mainstream', saw fans (you know where from) howling about dumbing down and whatnot. It was frantic enough that Nicolas Cantin, Thief Game Director, subsequently posted a statement clarifying that they meant this relative to their own initial Garrett designs.
"I was referring specifically to a previous Garrett design we tried out internally and not Garrett from the previous games. Our early design went a LOT more gothic – with black nails etc - but we thought that this wasn’t true to the legacy of Garrett so we pulled it back a bit. Returning to something more true to the original Garrett is what I meant when I said we made him more ‘mainstream’, this wasn’t a comment about the direction of the game. I can assure you we’re huge fans of the original games and we’ve done our homework to create a game that maintains the essence of the original. I can’t wait to show you more of the game and Garrett soon!”