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Those Who Are About To Die...

...We shall shoot you. Although possibly not until around 1 AM.

Yes, today is Team Fortress 2 Beta Day, or TFTBD as almost no-one is certainly calling it. Annoyingly, we've still no word on exactly when the 2.41Gb (equal to roughly 160 copies of Peggle) of preload will be unlocked, though this forum posting from a Valveman puts it as, simply, 'late in the day'.

Some lazy maths: if Valve's idea of late in the day is, say, 6pm, and they're based as they are in Seattle, in UK time that'd mean one in the morning. 1 AM. This is horribly, horribly unfair for those of us with partners who, for some inexplicable reason, feel that our staying up until silly o'clock to loudly shoot men in the face is insensitive behaviour.

So, here's hoping for a 4pm Seattle-time unlock, and a sound night's sleep for us Limeys. Either way, if you want in to the beta, you've got a scant few hours to go and pre-order The Orange box in. Quickly now; it comes with free Peggle.

Please unlock the Team Fortress 2 Beta right now, Valve. Please. Pleeeeeeeease.

Ahem. Meantime, if you haven't done so already, please join the Rock, Paper, Shotgun Steam Community, and you'll then be able to establish and join whichever TF2 server we're busy humiliating ourselves on whenever Valve do finally open the gates of hyper-stylised FPS heaven.

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