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Timely: Yesterday Came Out Today

Yesterday, from Pendulo the creators of the Runaway series and The Next Big Thing, is now out. It's £19.99 direct from the publisher and there's a trailer below. Of the few companies plugging away at the point and click genre, Pendulo are the one I'm least acquainted with. I've seen videos aplenty and even played the first hour or so of the first Runaway but I never felt inspired to continue, let alone to plough through a trilogy. Yesterday has killings, cults, conspiracies and an amnesiac lead character, ideas which haven't quite managed to send me cartwheeling around the room. In fact, I've actually nestled deeper into my chair and begun to grimace slightly. Trailer follows.

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Maybe I'm being grumpy and out of sorts, which is why I request that anyone who has enjoyed Pendulo's previous games reports in the comments below and convinces me to give this one a go. The Runaway games certainly seemed to sell well enough so somebody must have been playing them.

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