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Toady: "It was supposed to take two months."

Gamasutra have just ran a long and illuminating interview with Tarn "Toady" Adams of Dwarf Fortress fame. Across ten pages, we deal with everything from the origins of the god Armok's name (It comes from a variable, Arm_ok, in an earlier game which kept track of your limbs), why they're doing this epic fantasy game anyway (A love of priests named Aaaa, obv) and its nonlinear playpen as a storytelling device. And that's just from the first four pages. I'd paraphrase the rest, but RPS-towers internet is having one of its momentary spaz outs when I can't. Still - good to hear that Tarn now survives solely from donations into his tip-jar, allowing him to do it full time. For the love of dark gods named after amusing variables, go read the bloody thing.

(You haven't got around to that Dwarf Fortress For Idiots Post yet, have you - RPS Subconscious)

Shut up, you.

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