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Tropical island adventure Tchia gets a March release date

Climb, sail, and sou-jump across a pretty archipelago

I know it's only February, but my God do I feel like I need a holiday. Somewhere nice and warm away from the UK's gross rain and seemingly never-ending winter. Looks like I won't have to wait that long, because Awaceb's Tchia looks exactly like the kind of break I need, and it's out March 21st. We got the news, and a new trailer, at last night's State Of Play showcase,

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You play as the titular Tchia, who is on a mission to save her father after he gets kidnapped by a mysterious man and his strange fabric creatures. To get her ol' pa back, Tchia has enlisted the help of Maevora, a malevolent god who has been imprisoned on the island. That's all the details we have story-wise for now, so we'll have to see how trusting a tyrant desperate to escape works out for her next month.

I am so hyped for Tchia after playing a preview build earlier this year. The thing that impressed me the most was the number of ways you can traverse the gorgeous archipelago. You can climb, sail, glide, swim, and - the best one - soul-jump into animals to explore the island's many biomes.

Another excellent thing about Tchia is that it's entirely based on New Caledonian culture. The island is inspired by the islands' ecosystems, all the characters speak in a mix of French and Drehu, both languages of New Caledonia, and there are plenty of activities taken straight from the traditions and folklore of this small archipelago in the southwest Pacific. New Caledonia is the homeland of Awaceb’s co-founders, and you can just tell that Tchia has been made with genuine care and love.

If you're up for some laid-back island exploring, make sure to check Tchia out on March 21st on the Epic Games Store.

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