Ultra Street Fighter 4 Final Mega Character Reveal
SF too.
Capcom has insisted that this trailer is the final character reveal for Ultra Street Fighter 4, but how can we trust a company that released Street Fighter 2 seventeen times (Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix is a thing that exists) with any sort of claim of finality? I'm hitting 'post' on this, but the minute I do I expect a Special Massive Mega Character Reveal Trailer Remix to arrive, and I'll have to do a Quantumly Entangled Awesome Excellent Fistbump post in response. Then on and on and on. The trailer introduces Decapre, one of Bison's henchman, and an apparently new character to control.
Though she does look just a little bit familiar *cough*-Cammy-*cough*. Hey, it wouldn't be a Street Fighter game if there weren't at least two versions of the same character. This is another of Bison's dolls, his brainwashed henchwoman killificators. Decapre's a mix of Cammy-ish charges and Vega's slicey claw attacks. She can also share her pain psychically, which is probably what's happening in the main screenshot. Either that or she ate an ice-lolly too quickly.
The trailer isn't just about the Russian femmesassin, though: it invokes all the additions to the base game, showing glimpses of Rolento, Elena, Poison, and Hugo in action.
It won't be on the PC until August. Anyone interested?