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Vaaaalvelanche: Valve Greenlights Another 100 Games

That is a lot

After a potentially disastrous misjudgment last time around, the Greenlight train appears to be largely back on track. And by that, I mean it's knocked out another 100-strong batch in a single go, some parts of which are even vaguely recognizable. I'm especially glad to see The Stomping Land, Krautscape, Paper Sorcerer, Stasis, Driftmoon, and The Girl and the Robot get Valve's lambda-shaped stamp of approval. Also, the greatest news of all: War of the Human Tanks finally passed muster. Can War of the Too Human Tanks be far off?

Here's the full list, per Valve's announcement:

GREENLIGHT ALL THE GAMES. Some of which, unfortunately, will probably turn out to be complete shovelware. But hey, some gems are getting mined from the coal-stained masses. Slowly but surely. Do any catch your eye?

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