Valheim cheats: how to enable console commands, use creative mode, spawn items, and more
Full list of cheats and console commands in Valheim
Looking for a full list of Valheim cheats and console commands? Valheim, like most survival games, gives players a console from which they can enter various commands and cheats allowing you to control almost every aspect of the game, from teleportation to god mode to item spawning. Valheim's cheat list has been growing over time as the game makes its way through Early Access, and with its recent release onto Game Pass, now is a perfect time to check out all the new ways you can tweak your Valheim experience to suit your needs.
Our Valheim cheats and console commands list will show you how to use the console and unlock cheat codes, along with an explanation of every console command available. We've also detailed every single spawn item command that we know to be available in Valheim.
On this page:
- How to use the Valheim console (post-patch)
- Valheim cheats and console commands list
- Valheim Creative Mode controls
- Valheim Spawn Item list
How to use the Valheim console (post-patch)
For Valheim version 0.148.6 and later, the console is disabled by default. To use the console, first open up your Steam library, right-click on Valheim and select properties. In the Launch Options box at the bottom, type in "-console". then close the window and launch Valheim.
Now you'll find that you can use the console. To open the Valheim console, tap F5 on your keyboard.
To enable cheats in Valheim, type "devcommands" (without quotes) into the console and hit Enter. You'll see a message come up saying "Cheats: True". After that, you can use any of the below console commands as you like.
If you're on a server you'll need to be an admin to use the console. Our Valheim dedicated server guide will teach you how to do this.
Some console commands can be used without typing in "devcommands", such as "save", "ping", and "lodbias". But for the game-changing commands you need to enable cheats first.
Now let's take a closer look at all the cheats you can use in the Valheim console.
Valheim cheats and console commands list
Below is a comprehensive list of all Valheim cheats and console commands, separated into different categories such as creative mode, multiplayer, teleporting, and more.
Basic Valheim cheats:
- devcommands - Toggles access to cheat commands on/off.
- help - Prints a list of possible commands.
- save - Forces the game to save.
- ping - Pings the server and prints the delay in milliseconds.
- clear - Clears the console window.
- tutorialtoggle - Toggles whether the tutorials are shown.
- tutorialreset - Resets viewed tutorial messages.
Valheim cheats for creative mode and building:
- spawn [ItemName] [Amount] [Level] - Spawns specified item. More info.
- debugmode - Toggles Creative Mode on/off. More info.
- god - Toggles God Mode on/off (invulnerable, one-hit-kill).
- ghost - Toggle Ghost Mode on/off (enemies ignore you).
- fly - Toggles fly mode.
- freefly - Toggles freefly drone camera view on/off.
- fov [#] - Changes field of view.
Valheim console commands for multiplayer:
- kick [name/ip/userID] - Kicks the specified player from the server.
- ban [name/ip/userID] - Bans the specified player from the server.
- unban [name/ip/userID] - Unbans the specified player.
- banned - Prints a list of players banned from this server.
- say - Says a message in chat.
- s - Shouts a message in chat.
- w [name] - Whispers a message in chat (to the named player only).
Valheim cheats for teleporting:
- pos - Prints the coordinates of your current position.
- goto [x],[z] OR goto [x],[y],[z] - Teleports you to specified coordinates.
- location - Sets new spawn location. (Warning: use of this cheat permanently disables saving.)
- resetspawn - Resets the spawn location.
- recall [name] - Teleports another player to your location in multiplayer.
Valheim cheats for characters:
- heal - Heals you to full Health.
- respawn - Kills the character.
- puke - Resets fullness/hunger, returning you to default Health/Stamina.
- raiseskill [skill] [amount] - Increases the level of specified skill by specified amount.
- resetskill [skill] - Sets specified skill level to 0.
- resetcharacter - Resets your character's skills and inventory.
- setpower GP_[BossName] - Sets the current Forsaken power to that of the named Boss, and resets the cooldown.
- hair [#] - Sets your hairstyle. If no number is entered, this cheat removes your character's hair.
- beard [#] - Sets your facial hairstyle. If no number is entered, this cheat removes your character's facial hair.
- model [0-1] - Switches character model from masculine to feminine.
- addstatus [BuffName] - Adds the named status effect.
- clearstatus - Removes all status effects (both positive and negative).
- challenge - Your character performs the Challenge emote.
- cheer - Your character performs the Cheer emote.
- nonono - Your character performs the No, No, No emote.
- point - Your character performs the Point emote.
- sit - Your character performs the Sit emote.
- thumbsup - Your character performs the Thumbs Up emote.
- wave - Your character performs the Wave emote.
Valheim cheats for world:
- exploremap - Explores the entire map, removing all fog of war.
- resetmap - Resets map exploration, clearing ALL previously explored areas.
- genloc - Redistributes all unplaced locations.
- optterrain - Converts all terrain modifications in the nearby area from before Update 0.150.3 to the new system.
- find [object] [pingmax#] - Finds matching objects and pings them on the map. Pingmax# defaults to 1; if greater, this cheat will place pins on the map instead.
- forcedelete [radius] [object] - Removes objects within given radius, up to 20 (metres).
- wind [angle 0-360] [intensity 0-1] - Sets wind to specified angle/intensity.
- resetwind - Resets the wind to default.
- gc - Shows garbage collection information.
- printlocations - Prints the loaded locations and their distances/offsets from the player.
- printseeds - Prints seeds and positions of nearby dungeons.
- nocost - Toggles no cost mode on/off.
- nomap - Toggles map visibility (and the nomap global key for the server).
- noportals - Toggles the nomap global key for the server.
Valheim cheats for time:
- tod [0-1] - Sets time of day. 0 and 1 are both midnight. 0.5 is noon.
- tod -1 - Resets time of day to default.
- skiptime [seconds] - Skips forward, changing day number and time of day.
- sleep - Skips forward one day.
- time - Displays the current time and whether sleeping is possible.
- timescale [0-3] - 1-3 sets the speed of time, 0 pauses the game. Freefly works while paused.
Valheim cheats for enemies:
- killall - Kills all nearby enemies.
- tame - Tames all nearby tameable creatures.
- removedrops - Removes all item drops nearby.
Valheim cheats for creatures:
- printcreatures - Prints the headcounts and levels of active creatures.
- removebirds - Removes all active birds.
- removefish - Removes all active fish.
Valheim cheats for events:
- event [name] - Starts the specified event, e.g. "event wolves".
- stopevent - Stops the current event.
- randomevent - Starts a random event.
Valheim misc cheats:
- players [num] - Sets difficulty scaling based on number of players. 1 player = none. 0 resets.
- ffsmooth [0-1] - Sets smoothing of the freefly camera.
- setkey [name] - Sets new global key.
- resetkeys [name] - Resets the specified key.
- listkeys - Lists all global keys.
- env [env] - Sets debug environment.
- resetenv - Resets the debug environment.
- dpsdebug - Toggles damage-per-second debug overlay on/off.
- info - Prints system info (render threading mode and allocated memory).
- lodbias [0-5] - Sets draw distance. If number left blank, prints current draw distance.
- bind [keycode] [command] - Binds a custom command to a Unity keycode.
- printbinds - Prints a list of all current custom command binds.
- unbind [keycode] - Clears all custom command binds from the named Unity keycode.
- resetbinds - Removes all custom command binds.
- test [value] - Toggles a test value.
- oldcomfort - Reverts to old (non-optimised) comfort calculation.
- hidebetatext - Toggles beta text visibility.
Valheim Creative Mode controls
To turn on Creative Mode in Valheim, type "debugmode" (without the quotes) into the console. You'll need to have enabled cheats by typing in "devcommands" first.
With Creative Mode enabled, you can:
- Hit "Z" to toggle Flying Mode;
- Hit "K" to kill all nearby enemies;
- Hit "B" to toggle No Placement Cost Mode.
With No Placement Cost enabled, you can repair your tools and equipment without the use of a Workbench; and you can also craft anything in the game for free!
This makes Creative Mode a much more user-friendly way of spawning in items than the much less intuitive "spawn" command (covered below).
Valheim Spawn Item list
To spawn an item in Valheim, type "spawn" without the quotes into the console, followed by the type of entity you want to spawn, and then the amount, and finally the level, if applicable.
For example, if you were to type in "spawn Boar 5 3", then 5 Boars would spawn in front of you, each of them level 3 (2-star).
Alternatively, I could type in "spawn Coins 100", then 100 coins would appear on the floor in front of me.
Below is a full list of all the known item/entity codes you can use with the spawn command in Valheim. I'd highly recommend you search (Ctrl+F) for the item you're after.
- Item Sets
- Bosses
- Enemies
- NPCs
- Vehicles
- Food
- Meads & Mead Bases
- Crafting Items
- Weapons
- Armor
- Tools
- Arrows
- Spawners
- Trophies
- Special Items
- Misc
Item Sets (Valheim Spawn Item list):
- itemset Meadows: Sets skills to 1. Grants you a wood/flint weapon set and a bronze pickaxe and causes you to drop your other items.
- itemset Meadows keep: Sets skills to 1. Grants you a wood/flint weapon set and a bronze pickaxe and allows you to keep your other items.
- itemset BlackForest: Sets skills to 10. Grants you a wood/flint weapon set and causes you to drop your other items.
- itemset BlackForest keep: Sets skills to 10. Grants you a wood/flint weapon set and allows you to keep your other items.
- itemset Swamps: Sets skills to 10-20. Grants you a bronze weapon/armor set and causes you to drop your other items.
- itemset Swamps keep: Sets skills to 10-20. Grants you a bronze weapon/armor set and allows you to keep your other items.
- itemset Mountains: Sets skills to 25. Grants you an iron weapon/armor set and causes you to drop your other items.
- itemset Mountains keep: Sets skills to 25. Grants you an iron weapon/armor set and allows you to keep your other items.
- itemset Plains: Sets skills to 35. Grants you a silver weapon set and wolf armor set, and causes you to drop your other items.
- itemset Plains keep: Sets skills to 35. Grants you a silver weapon set and wolf armor set, and allows you to keep your other items.
- itemset PlainsBoss: Sets skills to 40. Grants you a blackmetal weapon set and padded armor set, and causes you to drop your other items.
- itemset PlainsBoss keep: Sets skills to 40. Grants you a blackmetal weapon set and padded armor set, and allows you to keep your other items.
- itemset EndGame: Sets skills to 70. Grants you an upgraded blackmetal weapon set and padded armor set, and causes you to drop your other items.
- itemset EndGame keep: Sets skills to 70. Grants you an upgraded blackmetal weapon set and padded armor set, and causes you to drop your other items.
Bosses (Valheim Spawn Item list):
- Eikthyr
- gd_king
- Bonemass
- Dragon
- GoblinKing
Enemies (Valheim Spawn Item list):
- Blob
- BlobElite
- Boar
- Boar_piggy
- Crow
- Deathsquito
- Deer
- Draugr
- Draugr_Elite
- Draugr_Ranged
- Fenring
- Ghost
- Goblin
- GoblinArcher
- GoblinBrute
- GoblinClub
- GoblinHelmet
- GoblinLegband
- GoblinLoin
- GoblinShaman
- GoblinShoulders
- GoblinSpear
- GoblinSword
- GoblinTorch
- GoblinTotem
- Greydwarf
- Greydwarf_Elite
- Greydwarf_Root
- Greydwarf_Shaman
- Greyling
- Leech
- Lox
- Neck
- Seagal
- Serpent
- Skeleton
- Skeleton_Poison
- StoneGolem
- Surtling
- Troll
- Valkyrie
- Wolf
- Wolf_cub
- Wraith
NPCs (Valheim Spawn Item list):
- Haldor
Vehicles (Valheim Spawn Item list):
- Cart
- Raft
- Karve
- VikingShip
- Trailership
Food (Valheim Spawn Item list):
- Bread
- BloodPudding
- Blueberries
- Carrot
- CarrotSoup
- Cloudberry
- CookedLoxMeat
- CookedMeat
- FishCooked
- Honey
- Mushroom
- MushroomBlue
- MushroomYellow
- NeckTailGrilled
- Raspberry
- QueensJam
- Sausages
- SerpentMeatCooked
- SerpentStew
- Turnip
- TurnipStew
Meads & Mead Bases (Valheim Spawn Item list):
- MeadBaseFrostResist
- MeadBaseHealthMedium
- MeadBaseHealthMinor
- MeadBasePoisonResist
- MeadBaseStaminaMedium
- MeadBaseStaminaMinor
- MeadBaseTasty
- MeadFrostResist
- MeadHealthMedium
- MeadHealthMinor
- MeadPoisonResist
- MeadStaminaMedium
- MeadStaminaMinor
- MeadTasty
Crafting Items (Valheim Spawn Item list):
- Amber
- AmberPearl
- AncientSeed
- Barley
- BarleyFlour
- BarleyWine
- BarleyWineBase
- BeechSeeds
- BlackMetal
- BlackMetalScrap
- Bloodbag
- BoneFragments
- Bronze
- BronzeNails
- BoneFragments
- CarrotSeeds
- Chitin
- Coal
- Coins
- Copper
- CopperOre
- CryptKey
- Crystal
- Dandelion
- DeerHide
- DragonEgg
- DragonTear
- ElderBark
- Entrails
- Feathers
- FineWood
- FirCone
- FishingBait
- FishRaw
- FishWraps
- Flametal
- FlametalOre
- Flax
- Flint
- FreezeGland
- GreydwarfEye
- Guck
- HardAntler
- Iron
- IronNails
- IronOre
- IronScrap
- LeatherScraps
- LinenThread
- LoxMeat
- LoxPelt
- LoxPie
- Needle
- Obsidian
- Ooze
- PineCone
- QueenBee
- Ruby
- SerpentScale
- SharpeningStone
- Silver
- SilverNecklace
- SilverOre
- Stone
- SurtlingCore
- Thistle
- Tin
- TinOre
- TrollHide
- TurnipSeeds
- WitheredBone
- WolfFang
- WolfPelt
- Wood
- YmirRemains
- NeckTail
- RawMeat
- Resin
- RoundLog
- SerpentMeat
- YagluthDrop
Weapons (Valheim Spawn Item list):
- AtgeirBlackmetal
- AtgeirBronze
- AtgeirIron
- Battleaxe
- Bow
- BowDraugrFang
- BowFineWood
- BowHuntsman
- KnifeBlackMetal
- KnifeChitin
- KnifeCopper
- KnifeFlint
- MaceBronze
- MaceIron
- MaceNeedle
- MaceSilver
- ShieldBanded
- ShieldBlackmetal
- ShieldBlackmetalTower
- ShieldBronzeBuckler
- ShieldIronSquare
- ShieldIronTower
- ShieldKnight
- ShieldSerpentscale
- ShieldSilver
- ShieldWood
- ShieldWoodTower
- SledgeIron
- SledgeStagbreaker
- SpearBronze
- SpearChitin
- SpearElderbark
- SpearFlint
- SpearWolfFang
- SwordBlackmetal
- SwordBronze
- SwordCheat
- SwordIron
- SwordIronFire
- SwordSilver
- Tankard
- TankardOdin
- Club
- Torch
Armor (Valheim Spawn Item list):
- ArmorBronzeChest
- ArmorBronzeLegs
- ArmorIronChest
- ArmorIronLegs
- ArmorLeatherChest
- ArmorLeatherLegs
- ArmorPaddedCuirass
- ArmorPaddedGreaves
- ArmorRagsChest
- ArmorRagsLegs
- ArmorTrollLeatherChest
- ArmorTrollLeatherLegs
- ArmorWolfChest
- ArmorWolfLegs
- CapeDeerHide
- CapeLinen
- CapeLox
- CapeOdin
- CapeTest
- CapeTrollHide
- CapeWolf
- HelmetBronze
- HelmetDrake
- HelmetDverger
- HelmetIron
- HelmetLeather
- HelmetOdin
- HelmetPadded
- HelmetTrollLeather
- HelmetYule
Tools (Valheim Spawn Item list):
- AxeBronze
- AxeFlint
- AxeIron
- AxeStone
- AxeBlackMetal
- PickaxeAntler
- PickaxeBronze
- PickaxeIron
- PickaxeStone
- Cultivator
- FishingRod
- Hammer
- Hoe
Arrows (Valheim Spawn Item list):
- ArrowBronze
- ArrowFire
- ArrowFlint
- ArrowFrost
- ArrowIron
- ArrowNeedle
- ArrowObsidian
- ArrowPoison
- ArrowSilver
- ArrowWood
Spawners (Valheim Spawn Item list):
- BonePileSpawner
- Spawner_Blob
- Spawner_BlobElite
- Spawner_Boar
- Spawner_Draugr
- Spawner_Draugr_Elite
- Spawner_Draugr_Noise
- Spawner_Draugr_Ranged
- Spawner_Draugr_Ranged_Noise
- Spawner_Draugr_respawn_30
- Spawner_DraugrPile
- Spawner_Fenring
- Spawner_Fish4
- Spawner_Ghost
- Spawner_Goblin
- Spawner_GoblinArcher
- Spawner_GoblinBrute
- Spawner_GoblinShaman
- Spawner_Greydwarf
- Spawner_Greydwarf_Elite
- Spawner_Greydwarf_Shaman
- Spawner_GreydwarfNest
- Spawner_Hatchling
- Spawner_imp
- Spawner_imp_respawn
- Spawner_Leech_cave
- Spawner_Location_Elite
- Spawner_Location_Greydwarf
- Spawner_Location_Shaman
- Spawner_Skeleton
- Spawner_Skeleton_night_noarcher
- Spawner_Skeleton_poison
- Spawner_Skeleton_respawn_30
- Spawner_StoneGolem
- Spawner_Troll
- Spawner_Wraith
Trophies (Valheim Spawn Item list):
- TrophyBlob
- TrophyBoar
- TrophyBonemass
- TrophyDeathsquito
- TrophyDeer
- TrophyDragonQueen
- TrophyDraugr
- TrophyDraugrElite
- TrophyDraugrFem
- TrophyEikthyr
- TrophyFenring
- TrophyForestTroll
- TrophyFrostTroll
- TrophyGoblin
- TrophyGoblinBrute
- TrophyGoblinKing
- TrophyGoblinShaman
- TrophyGreydwarf
- TrophyGreydwarfBrute
- TrophyGreydwarfShaman
- TrophyHatchling
- TrophyLeech
- TrophyLox
- TrophyNeck
- TrophySerpent
- TrophySGolem
- TrophySkeleton
- TrophySkeletonPoison
- TrophySurtling
- TrophyTheElder
- TrophyWolf
- TrophyWraithTrophyBlob
- TrophyBoar
- TrophyBonemass
- TrophyDeathsquito
- TrophyDeer
- TrophyDragonQueen
- TrophyDraugr
- TrophyDraugrElite
- TrophyDraugrFem
- TrophyEikthyr
- TrophyFenring
- TrophyForestTroll
- TrophyFrostTroll
- TrophyGoblin
- TrophyGoblinBrute
- TrophyGoblinKing
- TrophyGoblinShaman
- TrophyGreydwarf
- TrophyGreydwarfBrute
- TrophyGreydwarfShaman
- TrophyHatchling
- TrophyLeech
- TrophyLox
- TrophyNeck
- TrophySerpent
- TrophySGolem
- TrophySkeleton
- TrophySkeletonPoison
- TrophySurtling
- TrophyTheElder
- TrophyWolf
- TrophyWraith
Special Items (Valheim Spawn Item list):
- BeltStrength
- Wishbone
- HelmetDverger
Misc (Valheim Spawn Item list):
- GlowingMushroom
- ancientbarkspear_projectile
- aoe_nova
- barrell
- bed
- bee_aoe
- beech_log
- beech_log_half
- Beech_Sapling
- Beech_small1
- Beech_small2
- Beech_Stub
- Beech1
- Beehive
- Birch_log
- Birch_log_half
- Birch1
- Birch1_aut
- Birch2
- Birch2_aut
- BirchStub
- blastfurnace
- blob_aoe
- BlueberryBush
- boar_ragdoll
- BombOoze
- bonemass_aoe
- bonemass_throw_projectile
- bonfire
- BossStone_Bonemass
- BossStone_DragonQueen
- BossStone_Eikthyr
- BossStone_TheElder
- BossStone_Yagluth
- bow_projectile
- bow_projectile_fire
- bow_projectile_frost
- bow_projectile_needle
- bow_projectile_poison
- bronzespear_projectile
- bucket
- Bush01
- Bush01_heath
- Bush02_en
- CargoCrate
- CastleKit_braided_box01
- CastleKit_groundtorch
- CastleKit_groundtorch_green
- CastleKit_groundtorch_unlit
- CastleKit_pot03
- Chain
- charcoal_kiln
- Chest
- CloudberryBush
- cultivate
- dead_deer
- Deathsquito_sting
- deer_ragdoll
- DeerGodExplosion
- DG_Cave
- DG_ForestCrypt
- DG_GoblinCamp
- DG_MeadowsFarm
- DG_MeadowsVillage
- DG_SunkenCrypt
- digg
- digg_v2
- dragon_ice_projectile
- draugr_arrow
- draugr_bow_projectile
- Draugr_elite_ragdoll
- Draugr_ranged_ragdoll
- Draugr_ragdoll
- draugr_axe
- draugr_bow
- draugr_sword
- eikthyr_ragdoll
- dragoneggcup
- dungeon_forestcrypt_door
- dungeon_sunkencrypt_irongate
- eventzone_bonemass
- eventzone_eikthyr
- eventzone_gdking
- eventzone_goblinking
- eventzone_moder
- EvilHeart_Forest
- EvilHeart_Swamp
- Fenring_ragdoll
- fermenter
- fire_pit
- FireFlies
- FirTree
- FirTree_log
- FirTree_log_half
- FirTree_oldLog
- FirTree_Sapling
- FirTree_small
- FirTree_small_dead
- FirTree_Stub
- Fish1
- Fish2
- Fish3
- Fish4_cave
- FishingRodFloat
- FishingRodFloatProjectile
- Flies
- flintspear_projectile
- ForestTroll_ragdoll
- forge
- forge_ext1
- forge_ext2
- forge_ext3
- forge_ext4
- forge_ext5
- forge_ext6
- gdking_Ragdoll
- gdking_root_projectile
- goblin_banner
- goblin_bed
- Goblin_Dragdoll
- goblin_fence
- goblin_pole
- goblin_pole_small
- goblin_roof_45d
- goblin_roof_45d_corner
- goblin_roof_cap
- goblin_stairs
- goblin_stepladder
- goblin_totempole
- goblin_woodwall_1m
- goblin_woodwall_2m
- goblin_woodwall_2m_ribs
- GoblinArmband
- GoblinBrute_ArmGuard
- GoblinBrute_Attack
- GoblinBrute_Backbones
- GoblinBrute_ExecutionerCap
- GoblinBrute_HipCloth
- GoblinBrute_LegBones
- GoblinBrute_ragdoll
- GoblinBrute_RageAttack
- GoblinBrute_ShoulderGuard
- GoblinBrute_Taunt
- GoblinKing_ragdoll
- goblinking_totemholder
- GoblinShaman_attack_poke
- GoblinShaman_Headdress_antlers
- GoblinShaman_Headdress_feathers
- GoblinShaman_projectile_fireball
- GoblinShaman_protect_aoe
- GoblinShaman_ragdoll
- GoblinShaman_Staff_Bones
- GoblinShaman_Staff_Feathers
- GoblinSpear_projectile
- Greydwarf_elite_ragdoll
- Greydwarf_ragdoll
- Greydwarf_Shaman_ragdoll
- Greydwarf_throw_projectile
- Greyling_ragdoll
- guard_stone
- guard_stone_test
- GuckSack
- GuckSack_small
- Hatchling
- hatchling_cold_projectile
- Hatchling_ragdoll
- HealthUpgrade_Bonemass
- HealthUpgrade_GDKing
- hearth
- HeathRockPillar
- HeathRockPillar_frac
- highstone
- highstone_frac
- horizontal_web
- HugeRoot1
- ice_rock1
- ice_rock1_frac
- ice1
- IceBlocker
- Imp_fireball_projectile
- iron_grate
- itemstand
- itemstandh
- Leech_cave
- Leviathan
- LocationProxy
- loot_chest_stone
- loot_chest_wood
- LootSpawner_pineforest
- lox_ragdoll
- lox_stomp_aoe_OLD
- marker01
- marker02
- MineRock_Copper
- MineRock_Iron
- MineRock_Meteorite
- MineRock_Obsidian
- MineRock_Stone
- MineRock_Tin
- MountainGraveStone01
- mud_road
- mudpile
- mudpile_beacon
- mudpile_frac
- mudpile_old
- mudpile2
- mudpile2_frac
- Neck_Ragdoll
- Oak_log
- Oak_log_half
- Oak1
- OakStub
- odin
- OLD_wood_roof
- OLD_wood_roof_icorner
- OLD_wood_roof_ocorner
- OLD_wood_roof_top
- OLD_wood_wall_roof
- oozebomb_explosion
- oozebomb_projectile
- path
- paved_road
- Pickable_Barley
- Pickable_Barley_Wild
- Pickable_BogIronOre
- Pickable_Branch
- Pickable_Carrot
- Pickable_Dandelion
- Pickable_DolmenTreasure
- Pickable_DragonEgg
- Pickable_Flax
- Pickable_Flax_Wild
- Pickable_Flint
- Pickable_ForestCryptRandom
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains01
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains02
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains03
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains04
- Pickable_Item
- Pickable_Meteorite
- Pickable_MountainRemains01_buried
- Pickable_Mushroom
- Pickable_Mushroom_blue
- Pickable_Mushroom_yellow
- Pickable_Obsidian
- Pickable_RandomFood
- Pickable_SeedCarrot
- Pickable_SeedTurnip
- Pickable_Stone
- Pickable_SunkenCryptRandom
- Pickable_SurtlingCoreStand
- Pickable_Thistle
- Pickable_Tin
- Pickable_Turnip
- piece_artisanstation
- piece_banner01
- piece_banner02
- piece_banner03
- piece_banner04
- piece_banner05
- piece_bed02
- piece_beehive
- piece_bench01
- piece_brazierceiling01
- piece_cauldron
- piece_chair
- piece_chair02
- piece_chest
- piece_chest_private
- piece_chest_wood
- piece_cookingstation
- piece_gift1
- piece_gift2
- piece_gift3
- piece_groundtorch
- piece_groundtorch_green
- piece_groundtorch_wood
- piece_jackoturnip
- piece_maypole
- piece_sharpstakes
- piece_spinningwheel
- piece_stonecutter
- piece_table
- piece_throne01
- piece_walltorch
- piece_workbench
- piece_workbench_ext1
- piece_workbench_ext2
- piece_workbench_ext3
- piece_workbench_ext4
- piece_xmastree
- PineTree
- Pinetree_01
- Pinetree_01_Stub
- PineTree_log
- PineTree_log_half
- PineTree_log_halfOLD
- PineTree_logOLD
- PineTree_Sapling
- Player
- Player_ragdoll
- Player_ragdoll_old
- Player_tombstone
- PlayerUnarmed
- portal
- portal_wood
- projectile_beam
- projectile_chitinharpoon
- projectile_meteor
- projectile_wolffang
- raise
- RaspberryBush
- replant
- Rock_3
- Rock_3_frac
- Rock_4
- Rock_4_plains
- Rock_7
- Rock_destructible
- Rock_destructible_test
- rock1_mountain
- rock1_mountain_frac
- rock2_heath
- rock2_heath_frac
- rock2_mountain
- rock2_mountain_frac
- rock3_mountain
- rock3_mountain_frac
- rock3_silver
- rock3_silver_frac
- rock4_coast
- rock4_coast_frac
- rock4_copper
- rock4_copper_frac
- rock4_forest
- rock4_forest_frac
- rock4_heath
- rock4_heath_frac
- RockFinger
- RockFinger_frac
- RockFingerBroken
- RockFingerBroken_frac
- rockformation1
- RockThumb
- RockThumb_frac
- root07
- root08
- root11
- root12
- rug_deer
- rug_fur
- rug_wolf
- sapling_barley
- sapling_carrot
- sapling_flax
- sapling_seedcarrot
- sapling_seedturnip
- sapling_turnip
- shaman_attack_aoe
- shaman_heal_aoe
- ship_construction
- shipwreck_karve_bottomboards
- shipwreck_karve_bow
- shipwreck_karve_chest
- shipwreck_karve_dragonhead
- shipwreck_karve_stern
- shipwreck_karve_sternpost
- shrub_2
- shrub_2_heath
- sign
- sign_notext
- silvervein
- silvervein_frac
- skeleton_bow
- skeleton_mace
- Skeleton_NoArcher
- skeleton_sword
- Skull1
- Skull2
- sledge_aoe
- smelter
- stake_wall
- StaminaUpgrade_Greydwarf
- StaminaUpgrade_Troll
- StaminaUpgrade_Wraith
- StatueCorgi
- StatueDeer
- StatueEvil
- StatueHare
- StatueSeed
- stone_arch
- stone_floor
- stone_floor_2x2
- stone_pile
- stone_pillar
- stone_stair
- stone_wall_1x1
- stone_wall_2x1
- stone_wall_4x2
- stoneblock_fracture
- stonechest
- stonegolem_attack1_spike
- StoneGolem_clubs
- StoneGolem_hat
- Stonegolem_ragdoll
- StoneGolem_spikes
- stubbe
- stubbe_spawner
- sunken_crypt_gate
- SwampTree1
- SwampTree1_log
- SwampTree1_Stub
- SwampTree2
- SwampTree2_darkland
- SwampTree2_log
- TentaRoot
- tentaroot_attack
- tolroko_flyer
- TrainingDummy
- TreasureChest_blackforest
- TreasureChest_fCrypt
- TreasureChest_forestcrypt
- TreasureChest_heath
- TreasureChest_meadows
- TreasureChest_meadows_buried
- TreasureChest_mountains
- TreasureChest_plains_stone
- TreasureChest_sunkencrypt
- TreasureChest_swamp
- TreasureChest_trollcave
- troll_groundslam_aoe
- troll_log_swing_h
- troll_log_swing_v
- Troll_ragdoll
- troll_throw_projectile
- tunnel_web
- turf_roof
- turf_roof_top
- turf_roof_wall
- VegvisirShard_Bonemass
- vertical_web
- vines
- widestone
- widestone_frac
- windmill
- Wolf_Ragdoll
- wood_beam
- wood_beam_1
- wood_beam_26
- wood_beam_45
- wood_door
- wood_dragon1
- wood_fence
- wood_floor
- wood_floor_1x1
- wood_gate
- wood_ledge
- wood_pole
- wood_pole_log
- wood_pole_log_4
- wood_pole2
- wood_roof
- wood_roof_45
- wood_roof_icorner
- wood_roof_icorner_45
- wood_roof_ocorner
- wood_roof_ocorner_45
- wood_roof_top
- wood_roof_top_45
- wood_stack
- wood_stair
- wood_stepladder
- wood_wall_half
- wood_wall_log
- wood_wall_log_4x0.5
- wood_wall_roof
- wood_wall_roof_45
- wood_wall_roof_top
- wood_wall_roof_top_45
- woodiron_beam
- woodiron_pole
- woodwall
- wraith_melee
There we have it: every cheat and console command in Valheim ready for you to use. But if you're looking for some more... legitimate... knowledge of the game, then be sure to check out our guide on using and upgrading the Workbench!