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Vast Borderlands Screens

Good Afternoon, Internet. I hope you all had a lovely weekend, because we certainly did; awash in videogames as we are. Still, there's no resting on laurels round these parts and so we've been making some inquiries about that rather interesting Mad Max-in-Space project from Gearbox: Borderlands. We're hoping to deliver a splendid interview in the near future, but to quench our info-thirst 2k Games were kind enough to send over a batch of screenshots. They're not particularly new, but blimey, we're excited about this game.

The screens show some suggestive detail, such as the alien beasts in combat, some vehicle stuff such as bandit garages, a mysterious teleporter, and some FPS shootery. Click through for more...

And click on these letterboxes for the uncropped (and gigantic) full images:

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