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Comradical: More Borderlands DLC

2K Games just fired a rocket of scalding-hot news through the RPS postbox. After waiting for it to cool, we read that a fourth piece of Borderlands DLC, Claptrap's New Robot Revolution, will be released this September, granting players 20+ new missions, 10 extra skill points and 3 more backpack slots. Exciting! Or is it? I'm not sure. I lost interest in Borderlands after the first six hours or so. Additional screenshots and the full announcement after the jump.

Ominous horde of robots! Interesting!

The offspring a ninja and a single, enormous hand! Less interesting!

Claptrap’s New Robot Revolution invites single-player and co-op fans back to try to suppress a deadly Claptrap revolution using one of four infamous vault hunters. The foursome find themselves caught in the crosshairs of a deadly civil war between the Hyperion Corporation’s well-armed armadas and the ever-amassing army of homicidal Claptraps led by one of the most eagerly awaited characters in the franchise’s history - the cunning Ninja Assassin. As vault hunters, players must put aside their past differences with the Hyperion Corporation, namely the organization’s repeated attempts to wipe them from existence. For a hefty payday, they will join forces to help beat down the mechanical uprising and thwart the dastardly kung-fu expert, the Claptrap known only as Ninja Assassin.

“A year ago Borderlands was an untested brand that through hard work and a lot of passion, turned out to be one of the best-selling, claptastic and skagtacular games we have ever created,” said Christoph Hartmann, president of 2K. “A year later, we are releasing our fourth DLC installment, Claptrap’s New Robot Revolution, which illustrates our enthusiasm for creating highly entertaining content that enhances a franchise. In addition to serving as the perfect bookend to the original game, what gamer doesn’t love a kung-fu-wielding Ninja Assassin Claptrap with nunchuck skills?”

Like its add-on predecessors, Claptrap’s New Robot Revolution offers extensive co-op integration that seamlessly melds single and multiplayer experiences, and incorporates the most explosive role-playing shooter fun imaginable. Claptrap’s New Robot Revolution will provide more than 20 new missions to loot and tons of fresh enemies to blast through, including original boss battles, waves of homicidal Claptraps, well-armed Hyperion soldiers, and local creatures that have been Claptrap-ified - including crab-traps, rakk-traps and skag-trapps. Fans can earn an additional 10 skill points for a total of 71 available skill tree points, and three more backpack slots for additional blood-yielding weapons and many hours of enjoyment.

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