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Voice Of The Voiceless: 15 Minutes Of Transistor

The first footage of Supergiant's Transistor suggested that the game would not be entirely dissimilar to the studio's splendid isometric smash 'em up, Bastion, although it did lack one of its predecessor's most distinctive features - the superb narration of Logan Cunningham. Total Biscuit captured fifteen minutes of the game at PAX East and has uploaded a version without commentary, so that another voice can be heard and, by gum, it's Logan again. He's a sort of sidekick rather than a narrator this time around, a voice trapped inside the protagonist's sword. She doesn't have a voice of her own - the baddies have robbed it! - but it sounds like Mr Cunningham will be doing enough talking for two.

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Tactical time freezing! World-weary tones of regret and confusion! FUTURE CITY

My thanks to Eurogamer for spotting this, to Total Biscuit for recording it and to the Academy for recognising my ability to copy and paste Youtube embed code.

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