Vote With Your L33t: TERA Patches Political System
Oh the many ways in which games are better than the real world! MMO TERA's first update has fixed its political system, allowing "players with a level 50 character that also proudly serves as a guild leader will be able to run for office in 15 provinces." The election results will be counted on May 23rd at 11 o’clock, in an election where "all characters level 20 and above will be able to decide which players will be the first Vanarchs to be immortalised in TERA‘s history books." Interesting that a political system patch should be at the top of their priorities, but there you have it. More patch details here.
And I have to ask if any RPS readers are playing this? I know none of us have dared take a look yet. More importantly, I suppose, are any of you voting?