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Watch The Warcraft Movie Trailer

World of CGIcraft

So in among the anniversary congrats and the esports chat of the opening BlizzCon ceremony Blizzard has unveiled the trailer for its Warcraft movie, Warcraft: The Beginning.

You can watch it after the jump:

Watch on YouTube

My main response upon first watching was that the biggest problem with videos nowadays is they keep starting with eagles and other winged things soaring over mountains and then NOT becoming the video for Kanye's Bound 2. Disappointing.

Why would you do that?

ANYWAY. It seems I was wrong about the movie being a rom com and it's more about orcs and humans and trying to get along but maybe also not getting along. WORLDS WILL COLLIDE and so forth and there's a lot of CGI. The latter seems decent(??)* in general but this particular scene is really bothering me:

What do you reckon? Are you going to go watch it?

Also here's Bound 2. It's NSFW:

Watch on YouTube

*the more I watch it the more patchy it looks

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