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Immortal Kombat: Warlocks' Chaotic Magic Battling

Advanced warlock fare

I'm not entirely sure how Warlocks will turn out, but for the moment I'd say it's cast a spell on me. A war spell. Now I wish there were such a thing as a war spelling bee, but that's a discussion for another day. Warlocks is a sidescrolling local-multiplayer-friendly magi-fighter done up in satisfyingly meaty - perhaps even girthy - pixelated style. Developer Spiffy Goats - evidently far better at naming themselves than their games - is aiming for a sweet spot between spell slinging strategy and outright chaos, and I think they might just be onto something. Plus, brilliant roguelike-like Risk of Rain is apparently a big influence in the single-player and co-op departments. Trailer and details below.

Fire blasts! Split-second teleport dodges! Giant lumbering summon blobs! It looks solid, like some weird midpoint between Magicka: Wizard Wars and Samurai Gunn or Towerfall. It's also pretty heavily inspired by one of my favorite roguelike-likes of recent times, Risk of Rain, something you can experience for yourself by playing its game-jam-born predecessor Risk of Death.

Here's a description from the spiffiest of goats:

"Warlocks lets you join the grandest of all tournaments, a tournament to determine the most powerful warlock from all the dimensions. The plot's generic and that's how we want it to be, everything in the game will be both extreme and mockingly over the top."

"[In addition to] online co-op mode and local versus 2-4 player mode, the game will feature single player story mode (with an option for your friends to join in online co-op and aid you), where you will be unlocking new playable characters, beating badass bosses and traveling through multiple worlds. Throughout all those worlds you'll be leveling your character up and collecting sweet procedurally-generated items to destroy those silly monsters with even more efficiency."

So it's a pretty standard feature set, albeit with a slightly more ambitious single-player mode than most games of this sort get. Mainly though, I'm intrigued by all the high-flying abra-ka-biffing, a dish that looks especially sweet when served up with multiplayer sauce.

Warlocks is on Steam Greenlight right now, and it's set to release later this year. Who among you is prepared for both war and locks? Who, I ask you?

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