Wasteland 2's Live Action Intro Sidesteps Perlmanisms
The desert of the real
I can remember covering the first wave of big Kickstarter games in all their crowd-sourced hype, and feeling conflicted with every post. It was so exciting that all this could happen, traditional barriers between games and their players so suddenly eroded, but at the same time it all seemed like so many promises, talk of a new golden age that was so still so impossibly far away. A couple of years later though, and here we are - these games are steadily becoming a reality, from the so far excellent (Elite 4) to the inescapably ugly (Godus). Where will post-apocalyptic RPG Wasteland 2, one of the first big names to be crowdfunded, wind up? We find out very, very soon.
In the meantime, we get to see how it's spent some of its less essential groats, with a live-action intro intended to set the scorched earth scene. It tries very hard to avoid saying "war never changes."
Wasteland's a little more Western-infused than Fallout, which this emphasises. From my experiences with the beta, the game itself doesn't really go for this kind of drama - it's more of a hotch potch of grimness and silliness - but that's a good-lookin' video with a healthy dose of Mad Maxian sun-bleached nastiness.
The full game's out in August, and I'm looking forwards to giving it a few dozen hours then.