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What's In The Box, Peter?

If you couldn't make it over to the Rezzed game show we co-hosted last weekend - perhaps you live in another country, couldn't afford it or sensibly realised that it would be unfair to expose that many other human beings to the dangerous, dazzling beauty of your face - have no fear. Well, have some fear, as the Western world is on the brink of ruin and all that, but specifically have no fear that there's no way for you to see the speakers and sessions at the show. The chaps at Eurogamer were able to use some manner of magic electronic gun that can capture and store both sound and vision, and quite likely also the souls of whatever it's pointed at. So here's Peter Molyneux talking about his post-Lionhead plans with new studio 22 Cans, his thoughts on the excellent Molydeux spoof Twitter account and the "life-changing" contents of the mysterious cube in Curiosity.

Caution: includes wild, impossible claims and promises. But he wouldn't be P-Mol if it didn't.

Watch on YouTube

Sadly, I didn't get to ask my intended question "how much of humanity do you expect to survive after the killer AI inside the cube is released into the world?", presumably because the talk organisers spotted the insolent glint in my eye and decided they'd better give the mic to someone else.

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