Hard Reset Redux Gameplay Vid Heralds June Launch
Dash! Stab!
Before reviving 3DR Realms's Shadow Warrior, developers Flying Wild Hog made their very own '90s-style FPS, Hard Reset. As well as working on Shadow Warrior 2, Flying Wild Hog have been polishing up Hard Reset for a new release as Hard Reset Redux [official site], and now it has a release date of June 3rd. This announcement also brings a 16-minute gameplay trailer, and shows some Redux changes are pleasingly Shadow Warrior-y. A cybersword and a dash move? Oh, go on then! Have a look:
So what's new in the Redux? It jumps to the newest version of Flying Wild's WildHog engine for better lighting and effects, adds a cyber-katana and a 'quick dash' move, boshes in a new enemy type and reshuffles enemy placement to surprise returning players, now has proper quicksaves (no messing about in config files to sneakily bind 'em), and is meant to load faster too. Oh, and they say it's been "rebalanced" with "improved difficult levels and better pacing."
Poor checkpointing was one of our John's complaints about the initial release, which he otherwise quite liked, so quicksaving sounds good. Its length was another problem for him but hey, free DLC later boshed in a load of new levels.
So! June 3rd. It's coming to Windows via Steam. No word yet on the price, or whether it'll offer a discount to folks who bought it the first time.
And dang, Shadow Warrior 2 is looking great, isn't it?